2015 Forecast! What a beautiful, magical, wonderful cycle we are in!

Ho’oponopono Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Traditionally hoʻoponopono is practiced by healing priests or kahuna lapaʻau among family members of a physically ill person. Exploring the concept that everyone is deeply connected — despite feelings of singularity and separation — four tenets are incorporated in Ho’oponopono, creating peace with […]
What to Know About GMO
In this, the age of instant coffee creamer, microwave dinners, and so-called “happy meals”, it seems easier than ever to remain disconnected from the truth that what we put into our bodies can have long-term effects on our health. Still, the rhetoric is slowly shifting now that Proposition 37, California’s 2012 ballot initiative which would […]
You are invited! Heal Health Imbalances, Improve Eye site, Enjoy Radiant Skin
January 28th – February 10th Intro Meeting January 27th Please RSVP by January 20th ali@olanaturalhealing.com ou
Nourishing our Community
I was given the opportunity last night to do a mitzvah and to prepare a nourishing meal for new parents in the yoga community. Having just moved from Kauai, I have been pot-luck broken in and have a few “specialty” dishes, that I enjoy immensely preparing and sharing. I decided to prepare an all […]
FREE Community event Sunday September 23
I am so excited to host this FREE Community Event Sunday September 23rd, 2012 in Santa Barbara I look forward to meeting you and seeing you there! Aloha, Ali
The Owl
I recently without inquiry was told by a yoga teacher that I was an Owl. At the moment it was said, I felt open o hearing / learning more. I’ve always identified with Birds, and the belief that we are all one – to see myself in a bird felt right and intriguing. I believe […]

Going with the Flow, and what happens when you hit a rock?
I have been thinking a lot about this idea of a flow – a human stream / river the past several years …Recently my experiences are reminding me what happens when you are moving fast in the flow, and you come up upon an obstacle – Bamm! It’s sharp, it hurts and can at minimum, […]

When you are ready to begin your life-changing journey; please go on to read:
Have a Life You Love! Are you struggling and frustrated with your life, your body your health? I work with people who say that they want big changes in their lives or it seems like no matter what they try, they still find themselves stuck and not reaching their goals, or resolving that “problem”. […]