This is an interview with my Rolfing mentor & teacher. It holds so many gems about the work! Emmett speaks with Amber Burnham from Guild for Structural Integration on Vimeo.

Rolfing ~ Nurse Approved :)
🙌💚♾ #theROLFmethod #structuralintegration #transformation #change #gamechanger #bodyworkthatworks #mindbodyspirit #ilovemyclinets #mahalokeakua #dharma #karma #clearing #growth #development #maui #naturalhealing #kundalini #activation
Spring Equinox ~ New Cycle ~ Special Offer
Here in the North, we are coming up on the Spring Equinox. This is the time when our dreams and visions that have been marinating in the unconscious during the long winter months begin to manifest. Things are definitely going to heat up, and speed up, as we head deeper into the year, so its […]
Fascia. Did you Know?
Eight Fascinating Facts About Fascia by Derrick Price, MS on Jul 24, 2014 1. Myofascia Is a 3D Matrix Fascia forms a whole-body, continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support around our organs, muscles, joints, bones and nerve fibers. This multidirectional, multidimensional fascial arrangement also allows us to move in multiple directions (Myers 2001; Huijing 2003; […]

November News Letter ~ Grateful for YOU ~ Special Offers Dear Friends & Family, Got Desire to Live Life to its Fullest and Transcend Limitations? Amidst all the craziness out there in the world today, we truly do have so much to be thankful for… our bodies’ and minds’ health and well-being… our homes, jobs and modes of transportation… the support of our communities, […]

A Wholistic View ~ Emmett Hutchins, The Rolf Method: Rolfing
On the 2 year anniversary of my beloved teacher Emmett’s passing, I would like to share this lovely quote and photo. “Rolfing is not about spots and lesions. It’s about the whole person. Spots disappear into the whole as order and length are established. Rolfing is about fascia and feeling. The sensation of moving […]

Rolfing is a Process of Change
WHAT ROLFING IS BY IDA ROLF PART III “Body and mind are as two sides of the same coin, and so the results of working with the body reach into the emotional, behavioral, even spiritual life of the individual. For example, when chronic physical tension or weakness translates into emotional irritability or dependence, releasing the […]
Your Health: Rolfing — a natural way to a pain-free body
source: INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. — Millions of Americans are consuming billions of dollars worth of pain killers annually and will likely never get out of the loop of pain, inflammation and drugs unless they start thinking about the problem differently. It is accepted as “normal” that as we age, we should suffer increasing aches and pains […]
IDA P. ROLF Journal of Humanistic Psychology Vol. 18, No 2, Spnng 1978 Like so many teachers, I complain that people do not seem to understand my basic goals, the fundamental purposes for which Rolfing has been developed. In an effort to lessen this type of frustration, I offer the following summary of Rolfing ideas, purposes, […]