The key to understanding the assimilation of energy into our physical structure is through the awareness of our bodies as a series of synchronous, interacting, crystal structures. The human body on this level is a linkage of oscillating solid and liquid crystals that form an overall energy pattern for the total body. Each organ, gland, nerve system, […]

NOVEMBER 26, 2015 THOMAS The practice of smudging dates back to prehistoric times, and is still very much in use today worldwide for cleansing everything from dwellings to human spirits. However recent research has shed light on the popularity of this activity, revealing that burning certain plant matter actually clears harmful bacteria. All Western use of burning herbs […]

7 Gateways to Higher Consciousness According to Hawaiian Shamanism
In ancient times in Hawaii, as with most ancient indigenous people groups, there existed tribal Shamans who walked the line between the realms of the seen and the unseen and who understood the true nature of reality beyond the perceptions of the veil. In Hawaii, these wise elders were called Kahunas and they were respected […]

For anyone suffering from LYME DISEASE
Meet Australian Healer: John Douglas He’s got a CURE! Q: I happen to know someone who was suffering from Lyme Disease and was recently cured by you. Some would call that almost miraculous, because I don’t think traditional medicine has a cure for Lyme, do they? JOHN: I know it seems miraculous, but […]

Lion’s Gate 8.8.2015 = 8.8.8 Abundance Prosperity & Success
The Energy of the Lions Gate of August 8, 2015 Recognizing energy exists in everything, including people, plants, water, wind, planets and more, allows us to work with the energies to help us in a myriad of ways. This energy can help us release, heal and manifest. The energy of the Lion’s Gate is particularly […]
Spring has Sprung 2015 is in Bloom!
Spring is finally here, when we reach the time when the sun is in balance. After the three days of the Spring Equinox, the days start getting longer and the nights shorter until the sun reaches it’s peak at the Summer Solstice on June 21st. This is the time when our dreams and visions that […]

Ho’oponopono means ‘to rectify an error.’ This is an ancient Hawaiian ritual of forgiveness which is based on the understanding that the problems in our lives are the results of errors based on past memories. When we acknowledge and take responsibility for our actions, and we repent for our errors, the light transforms our pain. It’s very powerful […]

Consciousness Alchemy
Consciousness Alchemy is a path of personal transformation, and ultimately, one of personal illumination… enlightenment. It is a practice fueled by awareness and energy gathering exercises, which allows us to become more fully awake, and eventually sustain awakened or illuminated states of consciousness…samadhi. Exercises may range from simple to complex, taking into account some of […]

The Six Healing Sounds
Six Healing Sounds Just about everybody in the modern world has to deal with some sort of stress. Health professionals have placed stress as an underlying factor in a wide range of diseases. The Taoist way of dealing with stress is to perform the Six Healing Sounds. The Six Healing Sounds are so […]