This Is Healy™! The Future Of Medicine Will Be The Medicine Of Frequency ~ Albert Einstein I am so enamored with this device! It has helped me to stabilize, heal and grow during this wild time we are all navigating. I really appreciate how empowering it is allowing me to take back control of […]

Love Your Liver Cleanse!
Aloha, the following is information on how to do a cleanse and liver flush. I put together this protocol for internal body cleansing based on my personal cleansing experiences and what I learned from Hulda Clarke, Dr. Christopher and my Hawaiian Herbal teacher on Kauai, Kumu Ohai. Why Cleanse? This cleanse that is proposed, is a traditional […]
Feel you Pain
be aware of any aversion or resistance in your mind. Notice this, too, with a soft attention, without resisting, allowing it to be as it is, allowing it to open in its own time…Bring your attention to the pain as if you were gently comforting a child, holding it all in a loving and soothing […]

A Wholistic View ~ Emmett Hutchins, The Rolf Method: Rolfing
On the 2 year anniversary of my beloved teacher Emmett’s passing, I would like to share this lovely quote and photo. “Rolfing is not about spots and lesions. It’s about the whole person. Spots disappear into the whole as order and length are established. Rolfing is about fascia and feeling. The sensation of moving […]

Emmett W Hutchins ~ My Rolfing Master, Mentor & Teacher of all Teachers
Emmett W Hutchins, Rolfing, The Rolf Method of Structural Integration.

Yoga & Rolfing ~ A Dynamic Duo
Both yoga and Rolfing emphasize structural alignment and whole-body integration. In yoga, you move through precise postures with full consciousness and Intent. In Rolfing, too practitioner’s hands directly release restrictions and unbind myofascial tissues in your body.

Consciousness Alchemy
Everything is Energy and consciousness. That means, every-thing, not somethings – EVERYTHING! Certain things have a denser energy and makes them more material (matter) and others have a lighter less material more free form ( less matter )…

Belief Systems
Belief is close to if not our number one human being super power. What you believe shapes all your concepts, agreements, stories, feelings… At it’s core a belief is a label and a possible limitation if gone unquestioned in the subconscious mind.
May Newsletter is out!
Greeting from grandmother Kauai ♥ I’ve had a breakthrough that I’m excited to share with you! Four years ago I choose to adopt the corner stone philosophy that, everything is working out perfectly! This does not mean that some things are and some things aren’t it means – EVERYTHING! Every last experience, every encounter & […]

How To Live A Life Worth Living
Published on Feb 13, 2016 Teal’s Web page: An exercise that causes us to see our lives objectively enough that we can discover the kind of changes we need to make to our life in order to live a fulfilling life. In this exercise, you imagine that you died yesterday and from that stand point […]