Satsang Session

Satsang is a Sanskrit word that means “gathering together for the truth” or, more simply, “being with the truth.” Truth is what is real, what exists. So all there is, is Truth. Whenever something increases your experience of the Truth, it opens your Heart and quiets your mind. Conversely, whenever something such as: a thought, fear, or judgment, limits or narrows your experience of the Truth, the Heart contracts and the mind gets

Satsang Group Session

Soul Truth Transmission


Private or group sessions allow for the surfacing of subconscious truths/beliefs,  the shining of Soul light and love of awareness allowing for education, integration, clearing and the cultivation of positive feeling states.

~ The Path ~

  • Presence in stillness (Soul consciousness meditation)
  • Inquiry (the asking of open ended questions)
  • Integration (owning and anchoring the experience)
  • Clearing (consciously choosing to release all that is not in the highest alignment)
  • Cultivation (of positive feeling states)


Gee u r u

You are your own Guru. The true teacher, or satguru, is within you, and satsang, or being with the Truth, is endless.

Truth is too simple for words
before thought gets tangled up in nouns and verbs
there is a wordless sound
a deep breathless sigh
of overwhelming relief
to find the end of fiction
in this ordinary
yet extraordinary moment
when words are recognized
as words
and truth is recognized
as everything else

(From Gifts with No Giver, a free ebook of nondual  poetry by Nirmala. )